Friday, December 5, 2008

Have you setup a wedding budget?

Congratulations!!! You're engaged! Have you start any wedding planning yet?
The first thing you should do is to set a budget. And this is not an easy task.
Planning a wedding can be quite a challenge. It's even more difficult if you are on a tight budget. However, if you put some thought into how you're going to spend your money into different categories, make decisions about which caterer or which florist will be more affordable, then you won't overspend.

Here are some tips to planning your wedding budget:
a) Agree on the amount you’ve set for each category and agree you will NOT go over that amount. This is really important. Along the way, you will feel pressured to spend just a little more in every category to get the better product.
Don't do it!!! Spend what you agreed upon. I know it is hard, but try your best.

b) If you must overspend in one area, try to spend less on other areas.
For example, you really like the photographer whose charge you $500 more than what you’ve set for photography. Try to spend less on other areas like invitation,
wedding favors and centerpieces. These items are easier to adjust.

Invite - Let say you want to spend $3.0 per invite and you need 150 of them. Mark it down to $2.50 and you’ll save $75
Wedding favors – Let say you want to spend $2.0 for each favor and you have 200 guests. Mark it down to $1.0 and you’ll save $200. There are
many choices of favors for less than a dollar =)
Centerpieces – Let say you want to spend $45 per centerpiece and you have 20 tables. Mark it down to $35 and you’ll save $200. Trust me, you won’t notice a big difference between $45 & $35 centerpieces.

c) Do some research
Get quotes from at least 3 vendors for each category, compare the prices against what included in the packages. Also read the reviews from their previous customers as well. You may also ask friends/family what they spent for things that you liked at their weddings.

d) Pick one or two items that are the most important to you.
For my wedding, the most important things were photography and lighting. We spent $$$ on getting one of the best. The money was worth spent and after a year I still get complements from friends about how beautiful the lighting was at the reception hall and beautiful pictures.

A friend of mine spent nearly $6000 on her wedding gown! She chose to have a small wedding to be able to afford that. Make a choice about what matters most to you. What most defines a "perfect" wedding?

e) Negotiate with vendors
Don’t be shy. It doesn’t hurt to ask for discount. There is always room to negotiate with the vendors. For my wedding, I really want to have special lighting at the reception hall. And I sent email to 3 vendors who known to be great in the area. However, their quotes are really gave me heart attack ($3500+). The price was way too far from my set budget of $1500. So, I tried to negotiate with them and asked “what can you do for me in the amount of $1500?” After several conversations, they finally agreed with the price I set. I compared the original invoice ($3500++) with the latest one ($1500); I don’t really miss any items. I still had the custom gobo design, up lights, pin-spot lights and floral design on dance floor. See my wedding reception pic above :)

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